Census: Stand Up and Be Counted
with Linda Jones of US Census

Linda Jones is the Census Campaign Coordinator for Alamance County. Ms. Jones is employed by the Alamance Chamber of Commerce with financial support from Impact Alamance. This position was recommended by the Alamance County Complete Count Committee. The purpose of this position is to educate the residents of Alamance County about the importance of responding to the 2020 Census and to offer guidance and support on how to complete the Census correctly.
Organization name: Alamance Chamber of Commerce
Website: alamancechamber.com
Title of Presentation: Why is the Census So Important?
Zoom Chat title: Census 101-Questions and Answers
Many people in our community have lots of questions about the 2020 Census. Many of those questions will be answered in the presentation: Why is the Census so Important. Join us to learn more about the 2020 Census. Ways to respond to the Census and how to identify a possible scam are included. You may be surprised to learn how each person counted in the Census impacts our community! Please join in to learn more about your response and why it is more important than ever before.